Learn From Your Website Visitors

Tired of guessing what your users want? Struggling to get valuable feedback from your website visitors? Look no further than LiteSurveys, the simple, slide-in survey platform.

Create your first survey in minutes

Try it free for 14 days

Collect Feedback and Ideas From Your Site Visitors

Using single-question surveys, site visitors can provide feedback, concerns, and ideas as they use your site.

Conduct User Research

Using small slide-in surveys, users can quickly provide information about who they are or what they are looking for.

Closed-answer question asking 'What data role do you most identify as?' with a few options to choose from.
Open-answer question asking 'If you decide not to sign up today, what stopped you?'

Identify Pain Points

Adding in quick surveys during the sales funnel allows site visitors to provide feedback about concerns and issues.

Get Marketing Insights

Using surveys at key points during the user experience can provide details about the user’s decisions and thoughts which can influence your copy and strategy for your marketing efforts.

Open-answer question asking 'What area of data science would you like to learn more about?'
Small bar graph showing which social media platforms users said they use.

Quickly Analyze Responses

Analyze how site visitors are responding to your surveys. View a variety of charts and visualizations for each survey as well as viewing each response individually.

Types of Surveys You Can Create with LiteSurveys

Create a variety of different types of surveys to be used a different parts of your sales funnel and user journey.

Pre-Sale Survey

Gather information about potential customers to improve your sales and marketing efforts.

Post-Sale Survey

Gather feedback from customers after they have made a purchase to improve the customer experience.

Brand Research

Understand how customers perceive your brand and identify areas for improvement.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Measure customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement in your products or services.

Market Research

Gather information about your target market to inform your marketing and product development strategies.

Concept Testing Survey

Gather feedback from potential customers to test new product or service concepts.

And many more!

Create Your First Survey Within Minutes. No Coding Required!

Quickly create a variety of different surveys using our survey builder.

Get started

Features That Let You Learn the Most From Your Surveys

Question Type Variety

Select from a variety question types including multiple choice, open answer, and more.

Analyze Results

Easily see how individual site visitors respond but also analyze how all site visitors are responding.

See What Page User Was On

LiteSurveys saves what page the user was on when they submitted the survey. So, you can see how results differ based on what page they are on.

Export Results

Export your survey responses so you can use them in spreadsheets, databases, other tools, and more.

Control Timing

Show your survey at the right time, such as after a set time or when your user is about to leave your site.

Target Specific Pages

Show your survey on your whole website or only on specific pages.


Limited-time early access discount: Get $10 off for your first 6 months on our Growth plan! Sign up today before the offer ends on Oct 30, 2023!


$0 / month

  • 1,000 monthly website pageviews
  • 1 website
  • 1 active survey


$5 15 / month

  • 10,000 monthly website pageviews
  • 3 websites
  • Unlimited active surveys
  • Control timing
  • Target specific pages
  • Export results


Coming soon

  • More monthly website pageviews
  • Unlimited websites
  • Unlimited active surveys
  • Control timing
  • Target specific pages
  • Export results
  • Remove LiteSurveys branding

Our 30-day money-back guarantee

If you don't like LiteSurveys over the next 30 days, I will happily refund 100% of your purchase. No questions asked.

I fully believe that LiteSurveys will help you easily identify pain points, optimize your product, and increase customer satisfaction. I understand that investing in a new tool can be a big decision. That's why I want to assure you that we're committed to delivering exceptional value to our customers.

If you try out LiteSurveys and, for any reason, do not gain value from using it, then I will refund 100% of your purchase.

Thanks, and I hope we can be a part of your toolkit!

~ Frank Corso, Founder of LiteSurveys

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I install LiteSurveys on my site?

Installation involves copying and pasting your unique 1-line script code into the head of the website you would like to use surveys on. We can help you with this step if you need any help!

Is your website on WordPress? Using our WordPress plugin, you only need to install the plugin and copy in your website ID into its settings.

What are monthly website pageviews?

This is the number of pageviews your website(s) receive per month. If you are selecting a plan that allows for multiple websites, then it is the total monthly pageviews across all websites you install LiteSurveys on.

Can I cancel my subscription?

All LiteSurveys plans are no-commitment. You can cancel at any time from within your LiteSurveys account.

Ready to Get Started?

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